Question: 1 / 135

What is the third step to be performed prior to the disposition of cremated/hydrolyzed remains?

Store them in a safe place free from exposure to the elements

The third step prior to the disposition of cremated or hydrolyzed remains involves ensuring that those remains are stored in a safe location, shielded from environmental conditions. This step is crucial for preserving the integrity and dignity of the remains before final disposition. Proper storage protects the remains from potential contamination or deterioration that might arise from exposure to elements such as moisture, heat, or direct sunlight.

Labeling the container, while important for identification purposes, occurs after securing and protecting the remains, making it a separate step in the process. Re-cremating the remains is unnecessary and not standard practice unless there are extenuating circumstances, which are outside the norm for standard protocols. Presenting the remains to the family is typically one of the final steps in the process, following proper handling and identification storage.

Thus, storing the remains safely aligns with best practices for managing cremated or hydrolyzed remains, ensuring respect and care throughout the process.

Label the container for identification

Cremate the remains again

Present them to the family


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